Scholarships & Grants

Word of God Christian Academy is excited to announce that the North Carolina Legislature recently passed the following two laws that make private school a much more affordable option than ever before.  Both the NC Opportunity Scholarships Act and the Special Education Grant for Students with Learning Disabilities, offers financial assistance to qualifying families who want to attend the private school of their choice!  Please review the information below very carefully to see if your family can benefit from these amazing programs, and act fast!!!

Special Note:  If your family qualifies, you may combine the Opportunity Scholarship with the Special Education Grant.  If you have questions about these grants, please contact our office at (919)834-8200.

NC Opportunity Scholarship Act  

  • North Carolina State Education Assistance Authority (NCSEAA)

  • Qualifying families in grades K-12. To see if you might quaify, visit  now!

  • The Opportunity Scholarships Act is a new program for students currently attending public schools whose household income qualifies for free or reduced lunch in NC public schools.  The eligibility criteria for the first academic year, 2017-18, differ for subsequent years. Please see the chart below for below for eligibility criteria.

  • Up to $4,200! Though the amount cannot exceed the actual cost of tuition and fees.

  • Requirements:  (1) Reside in a household with an income level not in excess of the amount required to qualify for federal free or reduced lunch program.  (2) Be a full-time student who has not graduated from high school and attended a NC public school during the 2014 spring semester.

For further questions or concerns, please email our Administrative Offices at